Q: What is the focus of your Christian club?

A: Our focus is on enjoying Christ as our life (Col. 3:3-4) and to experience the unsearchable riches of Christ (Eph. 3:8) in every aspect of our daily life. We also like to fellowship with both Christians and non-Christians who would like to know more about God.


Q: How long has UNSW Christian Students been on campus?

A: The club started in 2001 by a group of Christians who love the Lord Jesus.


Q: Is this club affiliated with any church?

A: The club is not affiliated with any denominations. Our events are held in a spirit of fellowship. This means that any Christian, regardless of denominational backgrounds, can meet together to focus on Christ through enjoying His Word.


Q: What makes you different from other Christian groups

A: This has been a difficult question to answer since we are not here to compare or compete with other Christian groups. We like to maintain the oneness and fellowship with all Christians (Eph. 4:3).

Actually, our life in Christ (Col. 3:3-4) is the common and uniting factor, so we enjoy having fellowship around this wonderful Person and His Word. We come together not primarily for social or other reasons but to know the Lord, experience Him, study the Word, encourage one another on in the Christian race, build the Body of Christ and take part in God’s eternal plan.


Q: What are some practical pointers of being a Christian in university while there are so many pressures against a Christian walk?

A: Here are just a few important points:

  • Spend time with the Lord every day, preferably first thing in the morning before the distractions of the day set in. There are many ways you can spend time with the Lord. Some of these ways are by praying, singing a hymn, musing on His word or calling on Him. The main focus is to know Him, love Him and be filled with Him.
  • Read the Bible. Build a habit of reading every day, even if it’s only one chapter. That way you can have a rich deposit of the Word in your being. Having a reading companion is a good idea to make ourselves accountable.
  • Fellowship with other Christians. We have a life in us that is for the Body, and therefore necessitates fellowshipping with others for our own growth and the growth of the Body. Without fellowship, we can easily be discouraged and slow down or even stop in our pursuit of the Lord.